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TMNT: Top 60 TMNT Characters NOT In The Fred Wolf Series We ABSOLUTELY NEED In That Style (Part 1)

Writer's picture: Mr. Geek-EMr. Geek-E

“We’re looking for a few good never before made in the original Animation-Style Mutants!”

Well, it's a new year, and if you can believe it, our last NECA-facing "Which Figures Do We Want" was ALLLL the way back in December. We were gearing up to put out our official part 6 and an additional spin-off off series that would have imagined Archie and additional iterations that NECA hasn't tackled yet...but then BOOM, Toy Fair happened, and holy guacamole, while it certainly threw our episode plans for a curveball, what it absolutely did NOT do was disappoint.

Why Geek-E, you might ask, what was so special about this year's Toy Fair? Oh, you know, only some of the COOLEST possible reveals we've seen from NECA thus far! Each time we thought they were done, BAM, another hit, and then BOOM... another. If this was one of the old Turtles games, it would have been "Ugh, ShellShock" with how fast and furious the reveals were coming at us, all our energy exhausted from jumping up and down from the excitement, and not a recovery pizza in sight. For those that have been living under a rock for the last couple of months, here is a quick recap.

First up, was "The Last Ronin". WAIT? How? What? Huh? But isn't that IDW? "D--does that mean NECA now has the rights to do IDW characters?", we immediately asked ourselves out loud. Well, though it hasn't been officially confirmed yet that the license extends towards additional IDW characters, it certainly would seem that those are now on the table as well. It is safe to assume that we at SpeekyGeeky are already hard at work on putting a list of our top hopes together of who we would like to see, but until we wrap that into our new series, we think it worth reminding folks that pssst, we already happened to make one earlier last year, and it definitely has only aged better with time, so we'll just set that link right here for you, in case you might want to check that out too.

But how does one top a heavy-hitting reveal like IDW's uber-popular Last Ronin? Well, keen observers might note that two of the characters that made it onto this list were actually part of that "upping the ante" reveal by those imagination magicians over at NECA with their brand new ARCHIE comics facing TMNT Adventures Toy Line.

Once we started putting our head back together from our immediate explosion of delight, we took a moment to take in what this actually meant, and to consider who we might want from THAT line, and then we remembered "Oh, we made a video for THAT too, and a couple of the figures revealed for the initial assortment just so happened to be in the initial reveal. It was almost as if NECA had been watching our videos and hearing our Geeky pleas.

We are of course talking about the gorgeous Ken Mitchroney art versions of the missing two members of the Mutanimals, Jagwar and Dreadmon.

Not to worry, as we noted, we'll dig into those in a bit, but because those two were already revealed, we'll just go ahead and add in a couple of bonus options for this episode, and all you have to do is ignore that we're still going to talk about wanting Jagwar and Dreadmon, because, hey, TECHNICALLY we STILL don't have them in that Fred Wolf Specific Style, and who are we to quibble about having multiple versions of characters who have been a noticeable hole in our collection for over 30 years.

And if that wasn't enough, in that same reveal, we were also treated to a gorgeous looking TMNT Adventures Slash, Ray Fillet, and "first time in plastic" desired character Bubbla The Glublub, try saying that 10 times fast! Or even ONE time fast for THAT matter.

You would think that covered everything, right? But NOPE, NECA also revealed an onslaught of new Mirage Comics styled characters, the first of those new reveals, Fugitoid, was just released through the recent Target Haulathon event. Each figure features original art by Kevin Eastman on the packaging. Fugitoid on his own would have been enough, but we were also treated to first glimpses of Renet (along with Lord Simultaneous), Utrom soldier (also with battle damage head), and a tease for Casey Jones.

We'd like to say that we also have an accompanying video for Mirage too, but that said, throughout this new series, there is a very good chance we'll see some Mirage characters sprinkled throughout as well...who knows, MAYBE even in this very Installment.

Last but not least in any regard was the Fred Wolf updates. We saw reveals of a handful of characters we had discussed in previous episodes of "which figures do we want" like Smash, Zach The fifth Turtle, and a final version of Usagi Yojimbo, plus Rock Soldier infantrymen, Crooked Turtle Gang Goons, more images of the Neutrinos, and toon Tokka and Rahzar...oh AND a tease that both a Turtle van and Sewer Lair Diorama are coming as well.

And then just as we thought we had seen all there was to see from Toy Fair, flying under the radar immediately afterward, seemingly out of nowhere, BOOM, Robotic Bebop and Rocksteady and Glow in the Dark Muckman and Joe Eyeball started turning up on toy shelves as part of the Haulathon event.

Ok, with that ENORMOUS update out of the way, time to just dive right in.

Now let's just get this out straight from the beginning here. WE KNOW there are wayyyyy more than 8 figures which didn't actually appear in the 1987 Fred Wolf cartoon series that everyone would like to see NECA incorporate into the animated-facing toy line, US INCLUDED!

So please note, this is JUST part 1 of a multi-part series for this particular topic. That said, we'd love for fans to weigh in on who would make their top 8 in the comments below, who knows, some of your choices may end up making one of the upcoming lists as well.

Let's see who we're talking about here. Essentially what we are proposing is almost a "what if" scenario where characters from every other iteration of TMNT that DID NOT appear in the actual original cartoon series could be made in the original Fred Wolf series-style (and yes, for the sake of these articles that could also include characters who made guess appearances in various comics or later cartoon series like Flaming Carrot, Cerebus, Savage Dragon, and other various Image-facing characters, Gizmo, Fugitoid, and many many others...after all we DID get an Usagi Yojimbo in the cartoon and original toyline and likely almost a Panda Kahn, so why would we stop there).

For the sake of these being wholly unique choices, at least for now, we'll take explicit variants of the Turtles proper OFF the table, BUUUUT, there is a very good chance we may have something cooked up to focus on those as well, because who among us wouldn't appreciate Intergalactic Wrestling versions of the brothers, or Unmentionables, or Super Turtles, get where we are going with this, there are A LOT, enough so that it could, should, and likely WOULD warrant it's own list.

For this list, however, we'll be looking at characters from other iterations that we are hoping to see in 1987 Fred Wolf Style. It's a long shot, but who knows? If enough of us voice enough demand, well that can often speak volumes.

In no particular order and without further ado, let's jump into the Top 60 NECA Classic Cartoon Figures we hope to someday see in the classic Cartoon Series Style:

Characters We'd Hope To See (Pt.1)



Originally appearing in Archie comics TMNT Adventures, Jagwar seemed 100 percent in line with the type of figure we would come to expect from the playmates toyline...but in his case...y’ never came. Jagwar falls into the category of never before made character from the ill-fated first incarnation of the Mighty Mutanimals that is sorely missing from our toy shelf and vastly overdue.

Pointing out the obvious here that this character had not ONE, but TWO mini-series, plus multiple crossovers with the primary Archie TMNT series. That this figure was one of two original mutanimals that never saw light of day, other than the incredible figure from Da_Foot Toys in Playmates style, was a long long-lasting point of frustration for many TMNT completists.

Though NECA has now revealed they will be releasing a Jagwar and Dreadmon through their Archie line, if they were ever to start creating figures from those other iterations in the official Fred Wolf style, Jagwar would be an absolutely wonderful candidate. Not only would he fit in seamlessly due to Michael Dooney's attempt to match the look and feel of the 1987 cartoon that the Archie series ran adjacent to.

Looking back on the Fred Wolf cartoon, however, he is EXACTLY the type of character that the Turtles would see themselves running into on any of their globe-hopping adventures and frankly we are SHOCKED we didn't see occur in between season 4 and 5 where they went to every corner of the planet, even including the leagues under it to journey to the lost city of Atlantis.

Jagwar is also another one of those NON-TRADITIONAL anthro-morphs. Hailing from the Amazon Rain Forest, he found his mutation in a very different way than the Turtles, in fact, if we want to get technical about it, he isn’t ACTUALLY a mutant, but rather a half-human/half Jaguar demigod (Jagwar is a MUTANT in the same way that the X-men's "Phoenix" while it inhabits Jean Grey is a mutant...while it’s TECHNICALLY true, it is slightly disingenuous in that it sells the full scope of powers short).

Jagwar was actually set to be immortalized in plastic around 2008 (around the time of the CGI movie which had nothing to do with the figure but seemed like perhaps the new “Global Mutant Missions” line was meant to capitalize on the new TMNT properties hopeful theatrical success?)

Despite the seemingly out of place timing, this still would have been an incredible and welcome addition, despite only marginally looking like his comic depiction, but ultimately this figure along with the rest of this line which was expected to also include a mutant Komodo Dragon, Gorilla, and Tasmanian Devil (though prototypes make it somewhat more clear that the Tasmanian Devil was ACTUALLY meant to be Dreadmon), was for unknown reasons left on the cutting room floor. If we had our druthers we’d see the rest of this never realized Global Mutant Missions line as well, but we suppose we’ll be ok with just Archie version Jagwar for now….for...NOW.



Though Pizza Face never made it into the Fred Wolf series, we did have him as a figure from the original Playmates line, and it was a doozy. Pizza face is one of those characters that was over the top even for TMNT standards. He was a villain where you didn't even need to know too much of his backstory, but you knew the last thing you ever wanted was to be trapped in a room with him (unless you were trapped in a room with his toy form). Many folks who had the original Playmates figure may recall the toy featured a buzz saw and pizza box combo as a makeshift peg leg, along with the ability to swap it with a meat cleaver, but WHY he would need either to make Pizza fed directly back into the mystery of why you wouldn't want to mess with this unhinged baddie.

As time went on, we learned more about some of the changes that were made to the character before the final version we saw in toy form, and what was discovered only added fuel to just how wacky this character was intended to be. For starters, some of the accessories that were meant to come with the character were deliciously bonkers including a concrete and throwing saw pizza, along with a belt that was ultimately nixed that was made out of Turtle skin and even had a tiny Turtle hanging off of it for dear life.

Many folks are now fairly familiar with the original head Pizzaface was to come with that would have included an additional tiny head, which likely had the name Pepperoni, but some of the other concepts illustrated him in equally outlandish depictions, including one where he actually resembles a mutant Pizza.

Technically, we saw Pizzaface re-appear not once but twice in the cartoons, looking verrrrry different in the 2012 cartoon in a bit of a hybrid look between the early Pizza Mutant concept and another early Muckman concept named "Dump", but then again in Rise of TMNT in a version different enough to say it was a completely different character, but yet still reminiscent enough to give it a second glance once called out, in the form of Albearto, the animatronic chef bear gone awry that was obviously an additional nod to Five Nights At Freddy's.

This is a character that seems a fairly easy transition to the Fred Wolf style. This IS the same series after all that had literal Pizza Mutants that hunted the Turtles through the sewers and whose main villain was based on a cheese grater, so a disgruntled Pizza man determined to hunt and eat Turtles doesn't seem too far outside of their wheelhouse.

The Fred Wolf-styled Pizzaface would absolutely need to come with a removable hat that would reveal his tiny twin affixed to his head ratatouille style, as well as an additional head that reflects the pizza mutant-Esque concept version. We love the idea of being able to swap his leg for various additional objects, including a plunger, a large pizza cutter that could double as a wheel, and a cleaver for starters. We're not saying this figure needs to come extra fast, but just remember, if it takes longer than 30 minutes, it's free.



Dreadmon is yet another option from our "Which Archie Figures Do We Want" video, which, if you haven't seen yet, we'll plop the link right here. If you have, well, then you know how we feel and we're pretty much going to rehash it here to hammer in our vast array of reasons why this character is one of our favorites and incredibly needed in a variety of forms. If you haven't watched that video yet, we highly suggest you check it out as there are some other incredible additional options from there like BellyBomb, Manx, Craniac, Cryin' Houn' and Ninjara who very much should, and likely will also make it into this series as well.

From the moment Dreadmon stepped onto the TMNT scene, and subsequently into the ill-fated roster of the original incarnation of the Mighty Mutanimals, we knew we HAD to have him as an action figure and surely we would RIGHT? After all, Wingnut, Screwloose, Leatherhead, Mondo Gecko, and Ray Filet all got playmates figures, even Jagwar got a figure (well, at the time, at least in prototype form), so we were certain we’d have Dreadmon, but he never came, and we were devastated. “How could we say we had the full roster of the Mighty Mutanimals if two of its primary members were missing?”

So our point is, some of us have waited over 30 YEARS to finally complete this original Mutanimals roster, and since Archie is finally on the table, old Dreddie needs to get the love he duly deserves not JUST in that form, but in every form we could possibly get him, and yes, even in forms we have never seen him, like Fred Wolf. Now that we got our soapbox plea in, a little background for those just learning about Dreadmon for the first time.

This South African/Jamaican native red fox/tazmanian devil found his way to mutant-dom in a quite different manner than the Turtles, gaining his mutation from an ancient talisman that also imbued him with super speed. Dreadmon and the other original mutanimals often teamed with the Turtles in the Archie series and in their own spin-off Mighty Mutanimals series to combat various social, economic, and ecology facing issues (which eventually led to yet another incredibly fun mutant group called the "Conservation Corps" but that is a conversation for a little further down the road in this series).


Venus De Milo

Despite the often slapsticky nature of "The Next Mutation" series, there were plenty of highlights from that series that many of us have grown a bit more fond of with the benefit of time, and also for many of us, Venus very much tops that list. Regardless of the folks who are quick to note that this iteration of the Turtles is their least favorite of the franchise, Venus herself through the years has fostered and maintained a pretty healthy fanbase.

We at SpeekyGeeky are also of the belief that even though the live-action series perhaps rubbed some folks the wrong way, the series itself DID produce some incredibly cool characters into the Turtle-verse, and those ABSOLUTELY should warrant another look within a new setting. Venus always seemed a natural for that adjustment, and it looks as if that is finally getting a bit of traction with the new IDW teases that she will be returning, at least in comic book form that is.

Expanding on this notion, we would also lump Dr. Cornelius Quease, who kinda/sorta seems to be based on DOCTOR VICTOR FERAL from Palladium's early TMNT predecessor role-playing game TMNT and Other Strangeness. Clearly, Quease is his own character in Next Mutation from what we saw, but who knows, maybe if the series had continued to a season 2 we would have finally been treated to his assistant IGOR as well.

And don't even get us started on Silver, least not YET, as we'd only be getting ahead of ourselves, and anyhow, we're not talking about Quease or Silver here, right now it's all about the love for De Milo!

Though IDW had introduced another female Turtle a while back named Jennika, as we mentioned in our "Which IDW TMNT Figures Do We Want" video from last year, other than both De Milo and Jennika's non-familial status to the four brothers, these two female Turtles origins are starkly different from one another.

In the Next Mutation series, there were actually five Turtles that fell into Ooze, De Milo was one of those Turtles but was separated from the other four at the point of mutation, and was raised completely unaware of the rest of the Turtles in Chinatown, only becoming aware of the other Turtles existence upon the death of her father-figure Chung I.

We have a LOT of lingering questions about that relationship, like why he would choose not to divulge that there were others like herself? If Splinter had known all this time about her existence, why would he make a conscious effort to keep her from meeting others like herself? And how the Turtles were all considered brothers but for some reason the ONLY other Turtle with them WASN’T a relative? But these are all questions that may have a brand new opportunity to be answered or at least adjusted if De Milo were ever to be given brand new plastic life in the Fred Wolf Line. Until then, these decades-old loose plot points might just have to stay dangling.


Kirby The 5th Turtle

Whoa whoa whoa Geek-E...KIRBY? Don't we mean ZACH? Or SLASH? Or VENUS? Or for those Archie fans out there, TURTLE APRIL? Well, we ABSOLUTELY count all of the above, but KIRBY was the official 5th Turtle in the Live-Action Film that never ended up happening. Named after the esteemed comic artist, Jack Kirby, who both Eastman and Laird had a great affinity and respect for, Kirby saw quite a few iterations that were all incredibly different from one another. In one he appeared with dreadlocks, in another a swashbuckling swordsman, in another he resembled both Slash AND Tokka, and there was even one where he looked like more of a frog than an actual Turtle.

After the box office failure of the third TMNT film, the fourth film, which would have seen a future flung Turtles going through some second Mutations and dealing with some brand new tech-inspired baddies, including what appeared to be an evil April and Casey Jones, and yes, the long-awaited return of the Shredder (which we can only assume this time around considering the state he was left in to have been, some sort of Mutant/cyber/zombie hybrid). Splinter also would have seen some new changes that would have allowed for him to move from the wise sage role to one where he could more directly join in the fighting.

We can have countless conversations on whether this would have been a good film or not at the time, and honestly, we probably SHOULD with a modern-day lens in terms of at least considering something like this with the capabilities of current-day special effects. But we've gone off on a tangent now, and we want to stay focused here on the selection of Kirby.

Some story elements eventually made their way into various iterations of the Turtles, for instance, we did see the cartoon Turtles have a second mutation in the Fred Wolf series, the name of the fourth movie which was tentatively called "the next mutation" also made its way into canon with the subsequent live-action series, and in the 2012 series we also saw a zombified Shredder in addition to April turning to the Dark Side for a bit, but still, other than the name of April's dad in that series, a Mr. Kirby O'Neil (who, by the way, was very much NOT a turtle), we still never saw a definitive Kirby. THOUGH it should be noted that Kirby was recently designed to potentially appear in the IDW comic as part of Lita's future, but for now, the role of the character within that series remains a mystery.

There is some speculation that Kirby was meant to be the 5th Turtle in the Next Mutation live-action series, a spot that inevitably went to Venus, but this has never been officially verified by either Eastman or Laird.

Here is what we know, considering we don't yet have a definitive Kirby for any Turtle series after all these years, perhaps a fun way to both honor the character and allow it to keep true to canon once an official Kirby design ultimately presents itself, why not release figures of ALL versions of the character? Many of the designs could utilize much of the same tooling, and it would be an exciting way to watch our toy Turtle family grow.

From an imagination perspective, even though they would each have the same name, they could all be from alternate realities with very different personalities, and HOLY SHELL...we just spelled out how to make a brand NEW toyline that we 100% would all be picking up, didn't we? Whoopies and yes, we would happily be involved in that line once NECA, Super 7, Playmates, or any of the above decide to make it. Shameless you say? Well, Shell yeah, we're going to use our pulpit to be a bit overt from time to time, even Mr. Geek-E has gotta pay for all those toys somehow!


Panda Kahn (AKA Li Yang)

For the younger generation, nope, this is NOT Kung-Fu Panda. Much like Usagi Yojimbo and Fugitoid, Panda Kahn, also known as Li Yang, was a character from another independent comic series, created by Dave Garcia and Monica Sharp, and recently purchased by Gaelstone Media with a brand new animated series scheduled to release sometime in 2023.

The character not only made its way into plastic via the original Playmates line, but crossed over with the Turtles while appearing in yet another comic, "Equine the uncivilized" (yet another character who might be fun to have in toy form someday "wink wink", but we digress). It was long rumored that Kahn, much like Usagi, was actually slated to make his way into the Fred Wolf cartoon series, but that ultimately never came to materialize.

We often like to imagine what that could have looked like, because for us, at least while playing with our toys as kids, we saw both Usagi and Kahn as unofficial members of the Mutanimals, acting as highly capable stand-ins for Dreadmon and Jagwar until those figures came, which of course, as we mentioned before, they never did...well, until NECA's very recent toy fair reveals that is.

In our minds, Kahn was always one of the more fun hero toys from the TMNT playmates line. Sure we had characters like Halfcourt and Doctor El, which were incredibly cool in their own right, but if the Turtle bros needed a capable brawler to have their back when the foot clan or an army of General Traag's came at them in some of our epic playmates wars, Kahn was one they would always want by their side. And Yes, we DID mean to say an army of Traag' builders weren't so much a thing in toys back then, so if we wanted to pretend it was a horde of Rock Soldier infantrymen, a fleet of Traag's was the closest we were going to get.

Additionally, Kahn seemed to fit seamlessly with everything the Turtles stood for, honor, discipline, loyalty, and courage. It majorly bums us out that he never made it into the animated series because we KNOW those episodes would have been amazingly fun to see.

Ahem..."BEAR" with us for a moment, as we breakdown what we think that could have looked like: Once again Shredder is up to no good, and his scheme includes bringing in reinforcements from a reality filled with an army of feudal anthropamorphs (which yes, potentially could have led to some additional Panda army building opportunities). He approaches Kahn who leads a clan of animal warriors and mistakenly thinks Kahn will help him against the Turtles, but once Kahn meets them he very quickly realizes he is on the wrong side and helps them to defeat Shredder and his goons along with some of Kahn's own clan who have now sided with Shredder's plan (and yes, that could have provided even more opportunities for a new figure or two). While we have no way of knowing what the actual story for Kahn's episode would have been, we have watched EVERY Episode of that series more times than was probably intended, and we like to think that formula is probably fairly close.

We imagine Fred Wolf Kahn would have been fairly close in personality to Leonardo, perhaps too close, and that may have presented initial interaction issues while trying to lead the bros into combat. Once the two would be able to resolve their issues and work together, they would have likely been fast friends and it would have been fun to see there be an ally for Leonardo who he could feel he could call on for help from time to time. Kahn and Leonardo side by side, swords drawn and confidently taking the fight to the foot would have been a thing of beauty to watch.



Silver is definitely in our top five of mobbed-up mutant Yeti's with the amazing Day-Glo suits that we want as action figures. Who are the other four? Ayyyy, FawGetAboutIt, that's a lotto questions outta youse.

We could focus on the fact that his name and look imply he is not a Yeti, but rather a silverback Gorilla, but NOPE, we're going to leave that alone and just reiterate he is yet another awesome looking character that was introduced in the Next Mutation series that might be worth a second look as a character ripe for consideration in the Fred Wolf style.

We aren't going to quibble about how silly some of the characters from this iteration were, but again, as a character? This guy was misnamed, a more fitting one would have been GOLD.

A couple of things right off the bat with this deliciously neon mutant simian, first he was incredibly capable. He was calculating and strategic, but, much like so many other great thinkers of the early 90s like Shredder, the Brain, or Lord Zedd, those around him often found a way to bungle his plans. If Silver were equipt with competent lackeys, he would have posed a fairly serious threat to the Turtles, and still very well COULD.

Another incredibly important thing of note here is that it's incredibly nice to see a primary villain actually be another mutant for once. Yes, sure we have Bebop and Rocksteady or Tokka and Rahzar, but those are henchmen, here, Silver IS the big Bad of his encounters with the Turtles and that is a bit of a breath of fresh sewer air.

We see Silver coming with a 1980's accurate non-lethal all Silver Tommy gun, a removable matching fedora, and a mutant buddy pack in goon that is an ACTUAL tiny yeti, with a matching neon suit and one giant oversized foot named "Tiny" (because...y'know...gotta appreciate a well-placed opportunity for a Bigfoot visual gag).


But Geek-E, this is a Mirage character! Considering NECA has now been pumping out stellar Mirage figures like Fugitoid, Utrom soldiers, and especially Renet, wouldn't it make more sense to have Renet's primary adversary in the Mirage line first? Well OF COURSE we want Savanti in the Mirage form as well, but that shouldn't preclude this vastly overlooked major baddie from also appearing across the board.

We view Savanti as a lesser-known Shredder. He is capable of some incredible damage, he just hasn't had the right opportunity to show us just how underutilized he has been yet. Savanti has been around since the early days, he was in Palladium, he's been in a handful of the video games, he was in Mirage comics, IDW comics, the 2003 and 2012 series, so why is it that when folks bring up Savanti, we're often met with blank stares? Shouldn't his name be just as known as a character like Krang or Rat King, or even Baxter Stockman?

We realize that in each of the previously mentioned incarnations his world domination plans fall flat and he is left defeated, but how is that different than Shredder's countless unsuccessful schemes. The primary difference between them in OUR eyes is that one bends time and space to his whim, and the other tries and fails to control a dim-witted rhino and warthog to often hilarious results.

We're certainly not trying to knock Shredder, because we can't get enough of that Fred Wolf era tin-plated baddie who just can't get it right, but what we're more trying to illustrate here is that Savanti wouldn't be too much of a stretch from what we already know and love of that series, so MAYYYYBE it would be fun to change it up a bit and discover just how cool Savanti could be when given some interesting opportunities.

Imagine a villain that is constantly messing up his vision of power, but has ALL of time and space to keep at it until eventually, something sticks? Imagine Infinite ways to mess with reality, an unending army of new mutants under his command to go toe to toe with our favorite Turtle brothers. Yeah, see where we're going with this?

We would see Savanti coming with a time scepter, some attachable bone armor, a time portal to recreate him breaching time/space, and as a fun little easter egg to the IDW series in addition to his prehistoric ties, we'd also pack in a little buddy of Anchovy the mutant velociraptor from the mini-series "Bebop and Rocksteady Destroy Everything".


Since we're already talking about wholly new characters in plastic, we figured we would take a moment to ask you the viewer who YOU would like to see in one of our upcoming videos. We have been running polls on our youtube community page, as well as our SpeekyGeeky Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit pages as to which Original TMNT Concept designs we might want to see as Toys. Here are the options from our first 5 polls, so make sure to head over to any of our socials for the full list of option names and weigh in on your selections in the comments, and stay tuned because those winning options and others may just appear in another upcoming TMNT deep dive episode.

There are also some incredibly talented TMNT customizers who are already creating some of those characters who appear on our polls, and it is a beautiful thing to see, here are just a few of those absolutely creative folks that you are definitely going to want to watch so make sure to follow them on their socials as well.

Oh, one last thing, sometimes we encounter a piece of fan creation that is just so incredibly cool it stops us flat in our Turtle Tracks, and holy moley did that just happen to us recently when we found fan-made Casey Jones animation from Tortugas Ninjas Argentina. Those folks are working on some truly amazing content over on their youtube channel, including a fan-made tournament fighters-style video game and even some custom figures, so if you haven't yet checked them out, do yourself a favor and head on over and give their videos some love. Tell 'em Geek-E sent ya.

Well, that's it for part one, but don't go too far, because part two is right around the corner.

We have no doubt you have some characters that top off your list as well, so make sure to make your hopes known and join the discussion in the comments below.

We realize you could have gone anywhere and you chose to nerd out with us... and we appreciate that, so…

As always, I am Mr. Geek-E and Until Next We Expanded Universe Fred Wolf Turtle Speeky, Keep it Geeky Folks!

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